The Det. was located at the approach end of Rwy 21 at VCV. When I first started pulling alert there
Roy Stuckey was the C.O. He had a great crew working for him. It was about a 30 min. trip from FAT
and just a couple of minutes over to EDW. Heading north to R-2508 you could be ready for "Fight's On"
in about ten minutes. Beat the heck out of 20 minutes to the water from FAT.
One of my first Det. tours was to fly a jet down Friday afternoon and relieve John Kaser, our Ops Officer
at the time. We got the swap done and John took off on Rwy 21. Since it was a Friday and all of the F-4s
were done flying Grinder and I watched as he did a 180 and came back down Rwy 03 at - well, low. With the
burner cooking even the concrete on the ramp was vibrating as he went right overhead. It was GREAT! Once
he was on his way we went back inside and the phone was ringing. It was the VCV Wing Commander.
The conversation went something like this: (Next Panel)
"Det-1, Lt. Yelton"
"This is General So-and-So (I don't remember his name, but he was a dick) and I want to speak to your Ops Officer
at Fresno."
"Yessir, His name is Lt. Col. John Kaser and his number is PBX extension XXX. But if you'd like to talk to him
you might want to wait about 45 minutes before you call."
"Why's that Lieutenant?"
"Well sir, he just left here in an F-106."
Next thing I heard was - "SLAM, click"
I really love screwing with guys like that.