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During one of our ORIs we deployed a 6-ship down to March AFB. We flew a 12-ship out of Fresno and a deployed 6-ship out of RIV. Here's Jack Bolt running Ops during the day shift. Hiding over on the right is deployment commander, Doug "Cuda" Munday. | Ken Silviera - our Intel guy. Cuda smoothing over some glitch somewhere. Gina Cherf from the Engine Shop. | One of the Ops guys - Al DeLuca. Al worked in the ODC at home as well as did our flight records for a while. Al was one of the guys that helped train me in the ODC when I was enlisted. |
"If you think you're cutting in the chow line, fuggeddaboudit." Bob "Grinder" Hervatine and "Red" Ray Linott. |
Climbing into and out of a poopie suit will make anyone grumpy. Mike "Junior" Pohfal. |
Al DeLuca in the back. Gina Cherf from the Engine Shop and was the Maintenance Rep. for the day shift. Jack "Lightning Bolt" during a break in the action. Felix Franco in front. |
The day shift really had it easy. The night shift was utter chaos :) That's me, Aileron, holding down the fort in the middle of the night. Ops guy, Kent Manchester in the back and Fred Beltz in the front. | Here's most of our night shift. Kent Manchester in the back, Dave Horn (later went to Pilot Training) by the door. I don't remember the other two guys' names. | Fred Beltz - night shift supervisor. |
This picture is a funny kind of wierd. Maps and flight gear on the pool table with NOTAMS and WX on the wall next to the pool cues.
The Alert facility we used was at one time a SAC Command Post. Underground living and Operations. Mark Hession, Steve "Whacker" Talley and Pete "Hoe" Moe. |
Heading for the chow hall - Richard Rodriguez from the Weapons Shop, Felix Franco from Ops and Dave Horn. Felix was a boxer at one time and one of the nicest guys around. |