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Danny "Two Dogs" Cerna's Fini-flight
United Airlines Retirement (Summer 2018)

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Danny Danny Danny

Danny Danny Danny

Danny Danny Danny

Danny Danny Danny

Danny Danny Danny

Danny Danny Danny

Danny Danny Danny

Danny Danny Danny

Danny Danny Danny

Danny Danny Danny

Danny Danny Danny


Danny put on one heck of a retirement party in the summer of 2018. Danny's mom got up and told a couple of embarrassing stories from when he was a kid. What a wonderful lady. It was obvious to see where Two Dogs got his sense of humor. This was the "Guard" contingent that showed up.
Bob and Jill Mulcahy, Brad Kight, The Man of Honor(?) Danny Cerna, Ron and Carol Yelton
It was a great, fun party with lots of stories told. Most - about Danny's younger, wild and crazy younger days. We had a great time reminicsing. It was great to see Bob again, too. He has made such incredible progress in his post-accident recovery. Truly a story of strength and determination. I'd also like to acknowledge Jill for all of the TLC and support she's given Bob. Atta Jill!!!
Danny Danny Danny