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Assorted Airline Pictures

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Reporting for duty at ORD on 15 Jan 86. It was 28 degrees below zero and I was wondering if, at those temperatures the job was going to be worth it. You could only do half of a walk-around before having to come in to warm up. Ouch! My first I.D. - don't tell 'em I still have it :) Not long after I made captain I took Carol on a trip to PHL. We had a great time even though she got bumped on the first day. She caught up with me at the end of the day.
Assorted Airline Pictures Assorted Airline Pictures Assorted Airline Pictures

Got fly with J.T. a couple of times. Always fun to fly with a squadron-mate. Also got to fly with Gary "Mongo" Taylor once to DSM. Thanks to J.T. for the rest of the pictures. I really enjoyed flying with guys from the squadron. They always took good care of their captain and kept me out of trouble :) Cruisin' to 'who knows where' at FL260.
Assorted Airline Pictures Assorted Airline Pictures Assorted Airline Pictures

Bust your hump to land on time and then wait an extra 20 minutes for catering at the gate! Flying in aluminum tubes - BORing :) Nice panorama shot by J.T. FL260.
Assorted Airline Pictures Assorted Airline Pictures Assorted Airline Pictures

So here's what it looks like in the air... I wonder what all those knobs and switches do? Another panorama shot - top to bottom. I love this one! The top ten conversations between ORD Center and cockpits. Others:
1. "Cessna 123 I'm way too busy for you to cancel on me now."
2. "Cessna 123 put your compass on 'E' and get out of my airspace."
Assorted Airline Pictures Assorted Airline Pictures Assorted Airline Pictures